Thursday, October 15, 2015

Mouse Paint- Estefani Aguirre


Title: Mouse Paint
Author: Ellen Stoll Walsh 
Recommended Grade Level: Pre-K 

Common Core Mathematics Standard: Operations and Algebraic Thinking: 2. Understand simple patterns. 

Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice: H. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. 

Summary: The book starts with the 3 white mice hiding from the white cat. They come across some paint resulting in each mouse being a different color after jumping in the paint puddles. They play and have fun. After they hug each other a new color is made. Tired from jumping in puddles, they decided to paint a piece of paper with the primary colors as well as the new ones. They even left a white space just in case they needed to blend in hiding from the cat. 

Rating: ***** I definitely recommend this book as it keeps the children interested to find out what the mice will do next and what color is the outcome. It teaches children the mixture of the primary colors. 

Classroom Ideas: The book can be used with mixing primary colors to get new ones. Also addition, green +yellow =blue. I also use a Venn diagram with mixing colors. I have them paint one side one color and the other side another color and finally they mix the colors in the middle to see the outcome. Counting can also be covered by this book. Making patterns can also be addressed. 

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